Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Beautiful Wall Decal Inspiration : Dandelion seeds being blown

The dandelion is one of the most common weeds in gardens and countryside, and today here on Freshome we wanted to present you an interesting and creative example of wall decal inspired by dandelion seeds being blown. Just take a look at how this beautiful wall decal can change the whole look of a room.

wall decals ideas Beautiful Wall Decal Inspiration : Dandelion   seeds being blownwall decals ideas2 Beautiful Wall Decal Inspiration : Dandelion   seeds being blownwall decals ideas3 Beautiful Wall Decal Inspiration : Dandelion   seeds being blown

Inspirational Interior Design of the Day : Amazing Sofa

The last point that I am going to make about decorating a rental space is to use fabrics. It is amazing how often fabrics are overlooked when it comes to a design and decor and with a rental property, there is so much that you can do to take your space from boring to exceptional.

beautiful space Inspirational Interior Design of the Day : Amazing   Sofa

Designs for Rent : 5 Tips for Decorating your Rental

There are dozens of home design shows on television and one thing that I have always noticed is that they are always geared towards people who own their own homes. While I understand the logic behind this, there are a large number of people who rent their own apartment or home, while the number of shows geared towards that is very limited.

apartment for rent Designs for Rent : 5 Tips for Decorating your   Rental

landlord apartment Designs for Rent : 5 Tips for Decorating your   Rental rental flooring Designs for Rent : 5 Tips for Decorating your   Rental rental space1 Designs for Rent : 5 Tips for Decorating your Rental

rental kitchen Designs for Rent : 5 Tips for Decorating your Rental

fabrics decorating Designs for Rent : 5 Tips for Decorating your   Rental

Contemporary Heater designed by Red Rabbits

Most heaters are just there to distribute heat around the room to keep those affected by winter nice and toasty without freezing to death, but how many of them can actually be detached to be hugged? Today you’re gonna see a contemporary heater that has a beautiful design, and something more than an usual heater. Designed by Red Rabbits, these three cassettes can be removed and used in any manner you like, including placing your feet on them or even keeping your food warm. It heats through convection and radiation, with and without the cassettes mounted. In addition, the heat is experienced through conduction when interacting directly with the heating cassettes.

home heater Contemporary Heater designed by Red Rabbitshome heater2 Contemporary Heater designed by Red Rabbits

How to Decorate with Photographs

A picture speaks a thousand words and when it comes to your walls, it can convey a million emotions, shades and moods all in one simple frame of art. The photo frame that adorns your walls could be a simple family photograph, a work of art or even a painting of your 5 year old that has been framed. What you chose to hang up there shows who you are and can often change your mood. Decorating with pictures though is not about crowding the interiors with everything and anything that is framed. Here are few simple, easy-to-follow tips that will enable you to transform the space that surrounds you and will give you ample opportunities to experiment. So how do you decorate with photographs?
photographs walls How to Decorate with Photographsphotographs walls3 How to Decorate with Photographsphotographs walls2 How to Decorate with Photographsphotographs walls6 How to Decorate with Photographsphotographs walls5 How to Decorate with Photographsphotographs walls4 How to Decorate with Photographs

photographs walls7 How to Decorate with Photographs

Amazing New Take on House Decoration 3D Wall Paintings

When I saw these pictures for the first time I’ve immediately thought at the amazing 3D chalk drawings done by Julian Beever ( see his works here ). What you can see in these pictures is a brilliant new take on house decoration, and I’m sure that that my readers would want to admire these pictures. This guy does an amazing job, but unfortunately the work of this one mystery man has been floating all around the internet for some time now, but does anyone know his name, or something about him. Finally I would like to ask you to post a comment if you know who is the author of these amazing 3 dimensional wall paintings, because he should be getting some commissions.
cool wall painting

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Furniture Made with a Single Stroke

Designed by Aykut Erol the Line Furniture System is a metal wire system made with a single stroke or line. This system has everything from a lamp, to coat hook, to shelving, to TV set, to even a wine and CD racks! The most important characteristic of “Line” is it being a no-break line. Theoretically, the system extends infinitely with a single line regenerating itself. As a final word, the design is simple, and very creative, but the whole concept is not to practical unfortunately.

designzen line 02 Furniture Made with a Single Strokedesignzen linedesignzen furniture line

Let ‘er Rip: Cool New Home Wallpaper for DIY Room Decor

This is do-it-yourself decor at its best: wallpapers that provide a framework to let children get creative and adults customize their interior design. More like peal-away borders than traditional wallpaper per say, this idea lets home owners blend the best of stylish professional design with unique, personal and artistic decorative touches. So easy a kid could do it (and does in the photos at the bottom of this page).

Tired of watching the paint peal (metaphorically or otherwise)? This is a bit like wallpapering in reverse. Sound complex? The concept is simple: add the peal-away paper elements to a selected wall surface, decorate with paint on the in-between spaces and pull back the sticky tape-like material to reveal the final design.

As neat as the more geometric and planned two-color examples are, how to install and use these printed pattern sets is a matter of individual choice. Do it yourself and it can be whatever you envision - or, if you are not the artist type, let kids take over the process and you may end up with something fairly abstract though equally (if not more) compelling, as illustrated by the child-drawn piece above.

Awesome Aquariums: 5 Cool Modern Fish Tank Designs

From conventional freshwater to tropical saltwater species, fish can be a fun way to add some life to your living room - but with these cool aquariums, you might find yourself staring at the unique design as much as you do at the exotic fish you put inside.

Like a self-contained maze, this large labyrinth aquarium features a series of smaller interconnected round 'bubbles' of glass - joined by glass tubes that run between these more open spaces. While ornaments, accessories and supplies can be added and filters changed along the top, it is a bit tricky to get down to the lower levels.

If you really want to integrate fish into your daily life, you can always opt for the built-in sink tank where fish swim beneath you while you wash your hands and face or brush your teeth. What a way to wake up in the morning!

The ceiling-hanging variants are a bit more simple and modern, though nonetheless dazzling. They work as visual dividers in a space as well as colorful and animated decor elements. Of course, there is a huge amount of weight between the glass and the water, so augmented structural members may be required to actually install one of these.

Pot a Picture? Grow-Your-Own Home Polaroid ‘Photo Plant’

polaroid living plant photograph
No, not that kind of pot ... but not that type of photo either for that matter. The resulting 'photo pot' and living, breathing and growing plant within it are more than simple home decor or the sum of their parts.
polaroid plant pot concept

These Spy-vs-Spy-Style Black & White Vases are The Bomb

round black bomb vase
round black and white bomb vases
... or a pacifist variant on the classic Spy vs. Spy comic strips, in which the Black and White agents warred it out with weapons matching their color(less)-themed outfits. Except instead of white fuses and orange flames there are red-and-orange flowers sitting atop thin green stalks.
round white missile vase

DIY PVC: Colorful Modern Vases from Plastic Plumbing Pipe

Durable by design and naturally decorated (at least by modern minimalist standards) with rims, rings, curves and solid colors - and complete with openings in multiple places - a piece of pipe is a natural choice for use as a decorative home object like a flower vase.

This so-called Pretty Vase Collection by Francois Xavier Ballery for Domeau&Pérès is clearly a play on the industrial (non-pretty) nature of the constituent pieces, colorfully converted to new use for furnishing the middle- and upper-class homes of aesthetic eccentrics looking for the latest household trend. Of course, instead of buying the designer version you could probably make your own variant for much much cheaper.

Inverted Indoor Planter for Hanging Plants Upside-Down

hanging potted plants
To call this ingenious plant potting idea a clever contemporary design would be an understatement. The simple inversion of typical round planter is space-saving, sure, and sustainable to be certain (since it saves water) - but best of all: yes, your plants will hang in a pot suspended upside down from the ceiling (or even quite literally off the wall)
hanging planter design hanging planter idea